What is it? Answers XC

Friday, November 11, 2005

502. Romex cable ripper and wire gauge

503. Tree step

4" long when folded

504. Spark plug tester


505. Hand exerciser

506. Wire stripper

507. Turpentine hacker, used to slash pine tree bark to let the sap flow.

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  • re: #506

    might I add that it's a really crappy wire stripper. I have one. I hate it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:06 PM  

  • The combination stripper/guage is only intended to remove the outer insulation from the cable. It works very well, quickly, and easily, for its designed purpose, with typical two-plus-ground cable. It's specifically designed *not* to harm the insulation on the individual wires. The blade portion cuts along the middle of the cable, near the ground wire, which does not have its own insulation like the black and white wire do. You use this to quickly get the outer insulation out of the way so that you can route the individual wires to where they need to go (e.g., to opposite sides of a switch, different portions of a junction box, or cetera). A different stripper tool, of the more commonly recognized type, would then be used to strip shorter bits of insulation off the ends of the individual wires.

    By Blogger Jonadab, at 6:48 PM  

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